/******* Do not edit this file ******* Simple Custom CSS and JS - by Silkypress.com Saved: Mar 13 2025 | 08:50:00 */ /* Add your CSS code here. For example: .example { color: red; } For brushing up on your CSS knowledge, check out http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_syntax.asp End of comment */ .wpr-nav-menu .wpr-sub-menu { width: 250px; } .page-id-44106 section#top_bar_section { display: none; } /* .page-id-44106 .elementor-element.elementor-element-dd973a6.e-flex.e-con-boxed.wpr-particle-no.wpr-jarallax-no.wpr-parallax-no.wpr-sticky-section-no.e-con.e-parent, .page-id-44106 section.elementor-section.elementor-top-section.elementor-element.elementor-element-5b611c4.elementor-section-boxed.elementor-section-height-default.elementor-section-height-default.wpr-particle-no.wpr-jarallax-no.wpr-parallax-no.wpr-sticky-section-no, .page-id-44106 .elementor.elementor-212, .page-id-44106 .elementor-element.elementor-element-455a167.main_header.elementor-hidden-desktop.elementor-hidden-laptop.elementor-hidden-tablet.e-flex.e-con-boxed.wpr-particle-no.wpr-jarallax-no.wpr-parallax-no.e-con.e-parent { display: none; } .page-id-44106 .elementor-element.elementor-element-7b54fcc.wpr-sticky-section-yes.e-con-full.main_header.e-flex.wpr-particle-no.wpr-jarallax-no.wpr-parallax-no.e-con.e-parent { display: none; 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